This is the sitemap for
- Alcula Main Page - The main page of this website.
- The Calculators Index
- The Abacus pages
Simple Calculator - a simple calculator program written in flash.
- Simple Calculator (Spanish version) - the simple calculator page in Spanish.
- Simple Calculator (Italian version) - the simple calculator page in Italian.
- Simple Calculator (Czech version) - the simple calculator page in Czech.
- Simple Calculator Instructions - the instructions for use of the Simple Calculator.
- Percentage - How to calculate percentages.
- Printing Calculator - a printing calculator program written in flash.
- Online Scientific Calculator - a calculator program written in flash.
Online Scientific Calculator Instructions - the instructions for the Online Scientific Calculator
- Operator Precedence - order of evaluation of operators in the Online Scientific Calculator
- Keyboard shortcuts - List of keyboard shortcuts for the Online Scientific Calculator
Online Scientific Calculator Instructions - the instructions for the Online Scientific Calculator
- The new Scientific Calculator - The most advanced Scientific Calculator on the internet.
- The instructions for the new Scientific Calculator - Instruction manual.
- RPN Calculator
- units of measurement conversions - Index of unit conversions.
- Italian version of the units of measurement conversion index. - Select a converter between length units of your choice.
- Length units conversion tool - Select a converter between length units of your choice.
- Mass and Weight units conversion tool - Select a converter between mass or weight units of your choice.
- Area units conversion tool - Select a converter between area units of your choice.
- Temperature units conversion tool - Select a converter between temperature units of your choice.
- Alcula's blog - Alcula's blog, with news about the website and calculators
- GCD calculator - Calculate the GCD.
- LCM calculator - Calculate the LCM.
- Fraction simplifier - Reduce fractions.
- Decimal to fraction - Convert decimal numbers to fractions.
- Ratio calculator - Calculations involving ratios.
- Improper fraction to mixed numbers - Tool for converting improper fractions to mixed numbers.
- Fraction to percent conversion Convert fractions to percentages with this online calculator.
- Percent to fraction conversion Convert percentages to fractions.
- Sine calculator - A simple calculator to calculate the sine of an angle in radians or in degrees.
- Italian version of the Statistics Calculators index
- Statistics Calculators - Statistics calculators available on this site.
- Dispersion and Location Calculator - A statistics calculator that can calculate measures of location and dispersion from a set of data.
- Box Plot Generator - Creates a box-plot from a set of data.
- Standard Deviation Calculator - Calculate the standard deviation from a set of data (population or sample).
- Variance Calculator - Calculate the variance from a data set.
- Arithmetic Mean Calculator - Calculate the mean from a set of values.
- Geometric Mean Calculator - Calculate the geometric mean from a set of all positive or all negative values.
- Harmonic Mean Calculator - The harmonic mean of a set of positive numbers.
- Median Calculator - Calculate the median from a set of numerical values.
- Mode Calculator - Calculate the mode from a set of values.
- Mean Absolute Deviation Calculator - Calculate the M.A.D. from a set of values.
- Quartiles Calculator - Calculate the lower and upper quartiles and the median from a set of values.
- Range Calculator - Calculate the range from a set of numerical values.
- Interquartile Range Calculator - Calculate the interquartile range of a set of numbers.
- Linear Regression Calculator - Calculate the line of best fit from a set of bivariate data.
- Sample Correlation Coefficient Calculator - Calculate the line of best fit from a set of bivariate data.
- Scatter Plot Generator - Create a scatter plot.
- Pythagorean means calculator - Calculate the three pythagorean means.
- Spanish version of the index of statistics calculators
- Spanish version of the box plot generator
- Spanish version of the quartiles calculator
- Spanish version of the variance calculator
- Spanish version of the calculator for standard deviation
- Spanish version of the calculator for the mean absolute deviation
- Spanish version of the statistical range calculator
- Spanish version of the statistics dispersion calculator
- Italian version of the statistics calculator
- Italian version of the box plot Generator
- Italian version of the standard deviation calculator
- Italian version of the variance calculator
- Italian version of the arithmetic mean calculator
- Italian version of the median calculator
- Italian version of the mode calculator
- Italian version of the mean absolute deviation calculator
- Italian version of the quartiles calculator
- Italian version of the range calculator
- Italian version of the interquartile range calculator
- Italian version of the linear regression page
- Italian edition of the scatter-plot page
- Italian version of the calculator for the correlation coefficient
- Bitcoin mining profits calculator
- Percentage and percentage change calculator