Percentage to Fraction Calculator
Convert a percentage to a fraction
Use this calculator to convert percentages to fractions.
- Enter the percentage value as a decimal number. Do not include the '%' symbol.
- Press "Convert To Fraction".
- The equivalent fraction will appear above your input.
You may also convert percentages that are periodic numbers. If the repeating portion is longer than one digit, enclose it in parenthesis ( for example 2.4(35) ). If the repeating portion is only one digit add three dots (...) to the end of the number (for example 3.3...).
How to convert a percentage to a fraction
There are many ways to perform the conversion. This calculator performs the following steps:
First the number is converted to a fraction...
If, for example we are converting 12.5%:
The fraction is then divided by 100. This is achieved by multiplying the denominator by 100:
Now, all we have to do is simplify the fraction, so it becomes:
Another approach is to first divide the number by 100 and then represent it as a fraction:
You may also be interested in converting fractions to percentages.