Mixed Numbers to Improper Fraction Conversion

Converting mixed numbers to improper fractions

Use this page to convert a mixed number to an improper fraction. Insert the integer and the proper fraction numerator and denominator in the space above, then press "Convert to improper fraction". The whole portion must be an integer between -2147483648 and 2147483647. The numerator and denominator of the proper fraction must be positive integers.

What is an improper fraction

A fraction is improper when its numerator is greater than its denominator. When a fraction is 'improper' it can be expressed as a whole number plus a proper fraction. A proper fraction is a fraction that has a numerator smaller than its denominator, a fraction that has a value less than 1.

The mixed numbers form shows the whole portion followed by the proper fraction.

Check out this Wikipedia article for more information on mixed numbers.

For example, 1.25 can be expressed as 5/4, or 1 and 1/4. 5/4 is an improper fraction, 1 1/4 is its mixed numbers representation.

How to convert mixed numbers to improper fractions

A mixed number can be represented as an improper fraction, that is a fraction with a numerator that is larger than its denominator.

The conversion operation is very simple: Add the absolute value of the whole part and the fraction part to obtain the improper fraction. Apply to the improper fraction the same sign as that of the mixed number.

Here is a detailed example of converting the mixed number -3 1/2 to improper fraction:

$ -3 \frac{1}{2} = -\left(3 + \frac{1}{2}\right) = -\left( \frac{6}{2} + \frac{1}{2} \right) = -\frac{7}{2} $